Why to attend a barista training

Hi there inspired coffee addict,

I was thinking the other days, watching some cooking shows on TV, and I realised that a lot of people are talking about food, a lot are thinking about taking a cooking class, but there are very few people thinking about taking a barista training, even though they drink coffee every day, and coffee is the most traded commodity, after oil.

The general perception is that making coffee is not that hard, you just use grinded coffee, hot water and it’s done. And probably the perceptions is right, but making a good coffee, correctly prepared is much harder, and it means knowing among others, how to identify and buy good, freshly roasted coffee, ideal brew parametrers according to the brew method, but also how to identify a correctly prepared coffee.

What is a barista?

The barista is the kind man that prepares your coffee at the coffee shop, and he has to know all the secrets of the trade, and joggle with the taste and aroma of freshly roasted coffee, for a great cup of coffee.

Why attend a barista training?

  1. You learn to make the difference between good coffee, and the rest
  2. You learn the history of coffee
  3. You learn how a correct cup of coffee is prepared, and make the difference between a correct and incorrect extraction
  4. You talk directly to coffee specialists

All of this and even more, you can learn from a barista training, that I recommend you take about specialty coffee.

A part of this information you can find on the blog, or you will shortly, but the practical part of the training is always a bonus.

To make it easier for you, here are a couple of recommendations of istitutions that are Specialty Coffee Association accredited, where you can attend a barista training.

Barista School – Bucharest

Trainers at the Barista School are among others, Sebastian Farcaș – multiple latte art national campion, and Silvia Graham the founder of SCAE Romania. Among the gradutes of Barista School that are worth mentioning, is Alexandru Niculae – world roasting champion in 2016.

You can benefit from a discount, if you register on the community of our friends at espressoman.ro.

Sebastian Farcaș – “Barista School is the first coffee school in Romania, opened in 2011, and in 2012 opened it’s doors to specialists in the HoReCa segment. Barista School promotes and implements in it’s activity the SCA (Specialty Coffee Association) educational system, system that has 6 modules. Introduction to Coffee, Barista Skils, Roasting, Sensory Skils, Green Coffee, Brewing Skils.

Copyright: Sebastian Farcaș
“Why would I recommend a barista training? A training can help strcture your knowledge. It can open your horizon and understanding of this magical product. To prepare coffee, means that you know the plant, the species, variaty, processing method, the way it was harvested, roasted, and just after that comes the preparation skills. Any man that whishes to excel in the art of coffee making, must attend a barista training.”

Address: Băniei street, no.5, (Piața Sf. Gheorghe), Bucharest, Romania


Barmania – Bucharest

The training academy opened by Mihai Panfil, the founder of Origo, that among others holds barista trainings certified by the Specialty Coffee Association, with baristas with experience at Origo Coffee Shop .

Address: Foisorului street, no 122-124, Bucharest


Transylvanian Barista Academy – Târgu Mureș

Just opened at the begging of 2017, the academy ansewers to the increased demand of a quality barista training in the Transilvania region.Fondatorii Transylvanian Barista Academy sunt

The founders of Transylvanian Barista Academy are Dorin Ogleja and István Zsigmond,  , graduates of „Petru Maior” faculty from Târgu Mures, and the trainer is Laurențiu Ștefan, double national barista champion, that represented Romania with pride also on international level, with over 600 trainings held.

Address: Nirajului street, no. 6, Tîrgu Mureş


Școală Moldovenească de Cafea – Iași

As in the case of Transylvanian Barista Academy, Școală moldovenească de cafea is a new project, that has as a trainer the same Laurențiu Ștefan.

The project is ment to increase the training level of the baristas in the region.

Address: Scaricica street, n0. 2, Iași


Have a great coffee day, with craft coffee!

Follow me also on Facebook, Instagram and Youtube

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Salut, sunt Liviu și sunt un super pasionat de cafeaua de specialitate. Urmărește-mi aventurile senzoriale în lumea cafelei de specialitate, pe cafeacudichis.ro.


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